Before Your Spray Tan

  1.  Two days before the application take a long soak in a bathtub (10-20 minutes). Begin exfoliating the entire body focusing on these areas: Tops of feet and ankles, knees, elbows, chest, front and back of neck, belly button, (women: between breasts and under breasts) and underarms.
  2. After you exfoliate, moisturize your skin (using 1 fluid ounce from head to toe) before drying the skin. This creates a moisture barrier within the skin.
  3. The day before the application shower and exfoliate again. Don't forget to moisturize before you dry off.
  4. The day of the application - You did it! Your skin should look glossy and feel great! In the shower today you may exfoliate. Also, shave but DO NOT moisturize today. Putting lotion or oil on the skin could keep the Spray Tan from adhering and absorbing into the skin properly.

*Stay away from lotions with lots of fragrance and baby oils. Fragrance dries the skin; oil leaves a residue which can keep the spray tan from adhering properly.
**Do not apply lotion, makeup or deodorant the day of your treatment.

Maintaining Your Spray Tan

  1.  After the application, remember to limit your activities, wear loose clothing (women try to go without a bra for the evening to avoid creating strap lines), and wait to shower for at least 6 hours. The longer you wait to shower the more time the solution has to absorb into your skin and the longer your tan will last.
  2. The day after - Can you believe your amazing tan? You will shower and moisturize then go out and enjoy your beautiful and healthy "Sunless" Spray Tan!
  3. You must remember to moisturize at least one to two times daily to maintain the best result of a spray tan. Applying moisturizer at night before you go to bed offers the best result. If your skin looks patchy -- dark patches between breasts, in belly button, on feet or anywhere else, that means you need to exfoliate! (not in a bath, this will cause more patches)
  4. If you wear perfume put it on your clothes and NOT on your skin.  The alcohol in perfume will exfoliate your skin and could affect the spray tan in the area you apply the perfume.

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